In order to satisfy our high customer demands and guarantee continuous quality, we are working in accordance with the applicable quality and environmentally orientated standards of DIN EN ISO 9001 as well as 14001 and since march 2014 as well as energy orientated standarts of DIN EN ISO 50001.
We are environmentally-conscious and therefore treat all our wastewater.
To comply with the implementation of quality management, we have been accredited with a quality management system namely the DIN EN ISO 9002:1994 which was introduced in 1999 for the first time in history to Galvanotechnik Jens Holzapfel GmbH.
In 2002, the DIN EN ISO 9002:1994 was replaced by DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 which is still valid and applied.
In 2010, an environment management system was introduced according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2005 an in 2014 an energy management system according to DIN EN ISO 50001:2011 .
The management policy of Galvanotechnik Jens Holzapfel GmbH is offering high quality surface finishing of metals whilst also keeping in mind, environmental protection.